“On the different love she feels for her kids: ’I think I feel so much more for Madd and Zee because they’re survivors, they came through so much. Shiloh seemed so privileged from the moment she was born. I have less inclination to feel for her...I met my other kids when they were 6 months old, they came with a personality. A newborn really is this...Yes, a blob! But now she’s starting to have a personality...I’m conscious that I have to make sure I don’t ignore her needs, just because I think the others are more vulnerable.’”
Hm, sounds like someone has a serious prejudice against genetically gifted kids who are born to rich and famous parents. How ironic. She should be careful though, because as endearing as the whole “rescuing children from poverty and famine is so much more fulfilling than contributing to the Hollywood blob population” thing is, the public has no forgiveness for bad mothers. Just ask Ethel Rosenberg.

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