Friday, December 22, 2006

Two turtledoves

Ah yes, everybody’s favorite turtledoves, Tom and Katie, are wishing you a very Merry Christmas too. And in case you don’t believe me, you can go down to Hollywood Blvd and witness the glory that is L. Ron Hubbard’s Winter Wonderland. No, I am not kidding. I got my picture taken with Santa, and I didn’t have to make a donation, take a personality test, hook up to an e-meter, or vow to dedicate my life to a thetan-free existence. Very generous of you, Scientologists! Merry Christmas Xenu!

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Anonymous said...

mad megan, why did you block out your face? now I can't save your xmas pic.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mad Megan!

Ever wonder if maybe, just maybe, SOME (or all) of the tripe that the tabloids write about us Scientologists might not be 100%, you know, accurate? :-P

Like, we're not alien-believing, placenta-eating, lizard-loving crazies, for example.

My wife and I have been Scientologists for over a decade. We don't bow to no alien, and we don't shave our head nor donate our "vast fortune" (ROFL) to the Church or any such ludicrousness.

All we do is every now and then take a course at the local Church. And when our marriage was in trouble we got some counseling. And we raise our kids based on Scientology principles (which, you'd be surprised to find, are probably very similar to yours.)

Anyway, Happy Holidays to you.
Scientologist, and proud of it!

MadMegan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MadMegan said...

Hi Greg,
Thanks for your comment! Always nice to know that people are reading and/or caring about what I have to say. Of course I know that the media exaggerates certain aspects of Scientology to make it seem crazy. There are crazies in every religion, and to blame the organization for their tendencies is like blaming Iraqis for terrorism (oops sorry, didn't mean to get political). I know normal Scientologists, just like I know normal Evangelicals, Mormons, Muslims, etc.
Also, I will say that I did get a little booklet from Scientology Santa that was filled with perfectly normal, common sensical, and alien-free tidbits from L. Ron himself.
Anyway, just wanted to wish you a safe and prejudice-free New Year! And when I jab at Scientologists in the future, I hope you regard it as much a commentary on the media's treatment of the religion, as on the institution itself.
Mad Megan

PS I had posted this earlier, but deleted it when I couldn't fix a typo. So, don't think that the above deleted comment was something ranty and controversial. :)